Who We Are?

Our Mission

LifeAdve centres on the question: What’s going on in your inner world?

We strive to make your life easier and more enjoyable via activity-based counselling. Professionals design our activities while keeping all psychological and scientific factors in mind. We want to bring out the best in you by identifying the paucity in your life and assisting you with interpersonal issues. The age range from four to seventy years old is the emphasis of LifeAdve.

Why Nature Camps?

Nature Camps provides the opportunity for people young and old alike, to connect to the natural world These Nature camps engage their senses in the appreciation of nature, or to find a “special place” to which they can return over and over again in their minds.  They also learn to respect the power and beauty of the nature. Nature Camps is one of the few outings where people can experience and satisfy their need for physical activity and creative expression.

Extraordinary Experiences

We do that by organizing personalized training and activity events for different age groups which will have live sessions and activities related to real life problems and their solutions. All of this is planned by our highly experienced team which have expertise in Mountaineering, Life coaching, Counselling and much more!

Our Core Values

We believe in these values –

Hear from our founder

"Our mission is to help individuals recognise the importance of their lives and relationships in a happy way. Nowadays, everyone is so busy that they hardly ever have time for their families or relationships. We want individuals to realise the value of their own life. LifeAdve leads people via engaging activities and helps them appreciate the significance of connections."

Vikas Gupta Founder

“LifeAdve has an amazing team of hard working professionals. It has been a pleasure to meet them.”

Pooja K

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